Free Amazon Download starts TODAY! The Green Crafts Lifestyle: Christmas Edition!

The Green Crafts Lifestyle – Christmas Edition – Make Christmas Decor, Cards and Gifts!


I have had the pleasure once again to be a part of the second installment of “The Green Craft Lifestyle”.  The new Christmas Edition is jam packed with green Christmas crafts from around the world.  The very talented Mahe Zehra Husain (MZ) is giving away free copies for download from the 30th of November to the 4th of December you can find it here: and On Facebook?  Join the free event here. Don’t have a Kindle?  Download Kindle Cloud Reader for your Laptop!

I’ll be trying to tackle holiday decorating today…Thanks Mahe for the freebie!

Happy Crafting Holidays!

I am “Thankful” For My Readers: Decoupage Wooden Tray Giveaway: WINNER!

I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving day with their family and friends.


Thanksgiving “On The Upcycle” Style

Now that the hubby, daughter and I are recovered from eating all the great food we were very blessed to have on our table yesterday, I wanted to take the time once again to thank you all for your continued readership.  This year to celebrate our readers, “On The Upcycle” is  giving away a Victorian art inspired wooden decoupage tray to one lucky reader who commented and liked “On The Upcycle on facebook” That winner is:


Patricia from DanielaJoe’s blog Congratulations!  Please e-mail me your full name and address to and I will ship your prize out to you!

Thanks to all of those who entered the giveaway:


Being Zhenya

Pillows A-La Mode

Roof Top Creations

Please be sure and stop by these amazing blogs.  You will be very “thankful” that you did!

The Green Craft Lifestyle Christmas Addition: Free Amazon Download begins This Saturday, November 30th!

Pickled Lamp: “On The Upcycle” Christmas Craft full tutorial featured in today’s newly released “The Green Craft Lifestyle: Christmas Edition”


The Green Crafts Lifestyle – Christmas Edition – Make Christmas Decor, Cards and Gifts!


I have had the pleasure once again to be a part of the second installment of “The Green Craft Lifestyle”.  The new Christmas Edition is jam packed with green Christmas crafts from around the world.  The very talented Mahe Zehra Husain (MZ) is giving away free copies for download from the 30th of November to the 4th of December you can find it here: and On Facebook?  Join the free event here. Don’t have a Kindle?  Download Kindle Cloud Reader for your Laptop!


The “On The Upcycle” family want to wish everyone a very safe and happy Thanksgiving day Holiday!

I am “Thankful” For My Readers: Decoupage Wooden Tray Giveaway!

Still not too late to enter” On The Upcycle’s” Thanksgiving day giveaway! Be sure and comment and check us out on facebook. A winner will be drawn on Thanksgiving day. Thanks again to all my amazing readers who support us in our repurposing mission!

On The Upcycle~

The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to reflect on the many blessings a person has in their life. Many times the stresses of everyday life cloud our thinking and distract us from what really matters. I am so deeply blessed to have connected with so many wonderful people in my life past and present. This includes all those who have taken the time out of their day to stop by  “On The Upcycle” to read, comment and share ideas with me. It has been a little over 6 months since I started my blog and the response has been overwhelming.  A special “thank you” to those in the Word Press community whom helped lend a helping hand to yours truly along the way!

I thought to myself, that this would be a great time to show a small token of appreciation to my readers who have inspired me to keep…

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From “Odd To Mod” Upcycled Thrift Store Mystery Wall Hanging

Recently, I have made quite a few thrift store walk throughs, without finding much of anything to stimulate my creativity.  My pockets are lighter, and even the amount of freebie finds have dwindled. Sure, my attic is filled with items all screaming “Repurpose me, me, meee!”, but our attic is a bit of an organizational nightmare I can’t seem to wake up from, not to mention it is unheated and freezing cold up there! When I go up there, I have to bundle up like I am going for a mile walk across the tundra!  I also feel the secret is out now and when I pull up to the Goodwill store, I am lucky if I can find a parking space!

Despite this, I always take a look for those unique items you can only find in a second-hand store and yard sales. Part of the fun is the thrill of the hunt, and coming up empty-handed is a part of it.   I am always interested in quirky little items even if I am not sure what its original use was.  My husband and the toddler apprentice were out with me one Saturday, and we couldn’t find much, but did spot this unique wooden wall hanging with a bit of storage.  It definitely screamed late 70’s early 80’s to me, and I thought it would look cute in our kitchen.

thrift store wooden wall storage thing

I wanted to re-style it to be more vibrant and colorful.  I thoroughly cleaned the piece with a damp cloth.  I had some leftover red spray paint from a previous project and decided to use it to brighten up the piece.  I took it outside and sprayed it red.

Spray painted piece

This particular spray paint required about 9-24 hours to completely dry.  Once it was dry enough for me to pick up, I brought it inside to my craft room and allowed it to dry in front of the fan.  Later in the evening the piece seemed dry enough, so I placed the front of the piece down upon the back of the fabric to trace it with a fine tipped black marker.  Probably better if I had traced the object on to the fabric before it was painted, but I was lucky and none of the marker made its way on the painted area.  I then applied Mod Podge with a foam craft brush on the front.

Apply Mod Podge

I then applied the cut fabric and smoothed it carefully out with my hands.  I picked a fun Mod fabric with a lot of bright colors.

Apply Fabric

I applied Mod Podge over the fabric and allowed it to dry overnight.  The next morning it was ready to hang.  I love the bright colors which go along perfectly in our yellow kitchen. Now, I just have to decide what I will use it for.  I am leaning toward a salt and pepper holder.

Upcycled Kitchen Wall Hanging and Storage

Before and After: 

From Odd To Mod-Upcycled Thrift Store Wooden Wall Hanging Restyled with Mod Podge, Paint, and Fabric

The Genealogy Series: A BBC Family Mystery “Uncle Ted” Edward George Downing Liveing

I remember as a child visiting my grandfather’s house and looking through the little brown autograph book that belonged to his sister, my Great Aunt Eva Long.  It always fascinated me even then, but as a child I never asked questions and my beloved Grandfather Vincent Long passed away in 1985 when I was only ten years-old.

Vincent and Eva Long

My Grandfather Vincent and My Great Aunt Eva Long 

For years, my sister held on to the book and other documents after my grandfather passed away, until I became interested in Genealogy in 2009 and asked if I could revisit these items again.  With the existence of the internet and the ability to reach out to others and research online it seemed possible now more than ever that I might be able to unlock the mysteries of that little brown autograph book, one story at a time.

There are many great entries, but a few in particular were intriguing to me.  They were autographs of those involved with the BBC (British Broadcasting Company).  My Grandfather and sister Eva were born in Nottingham England, and before they traveled to the United States in 1925, Eva had her book signed by BBC members who worked at the Nottingham Relay Station 5NG which was started on September 16th, 1924 and was located at Bridlesmith Gate in Nottingham, England. Autographs included were Ruby Barlow (mentioned here) also known as “Auntie Ruby” a popular radio star on a show called “The Children’s Corner” featuring local “Aunties and Uncles.” Also mentioned, A character known as “Wicked” Uncle Lawrie, and Lawrie Backshaw (Not sure how to spell his name!)

ruby barlow

wicked uncle lawrie

bbc radio

One entry stood out from the rest and I had been trying for sometime to either prove or disprove family lore that an ancestor worked for the BBC.  This is the mystery of “Uncle Ted” who it appears may not have been an uncle at all.  I still have more research to completely rule out the possibility; However after reading and listening to the above recording, I  realized that the character’s featured at the BBC were referred to as “Aunties and Uncles”  I began to doubt this person who refered to himself as “Uncle Ted” Station Director in Eva’s book was her actual uncle. There are several “Uncles” that signed the book, but this one was different and attached to the book on BBC letterhead:

Early BBC Document

I wanted to learn more so I brought this document to the “Genealogy Roadshow” at this year’s Mid Atlantic Genealogy Conference.  I wanted to get some advice as I had tried researching this before and came up with very little information.  This past week I had a huge break through when the BBC  finally contacted me and is interested to know more about some of the historical items I have.  The person at the BBC asked me via e-mail if the Ted I was referring to was Edward George Downing Liveing,who went on to have a distinguished career with the BBC, and served as Nottingham’s station director at that time.  Now, I had a name to go on,  and typed it into a search engine. I found an amazing site dedicated to Edward’s family line called The King’s Candlesticks. I contacted the webmaster via e-mail and attached a copy of the document for his review.  I was so happy to receive an e-mail back, confirming once and for all that “Uncle Ted” was indeed, Edward George Downing Liveing.  He attached handwritten letters written by Edward George Downing Liveing in which he referred to himself as Ted (a nickname for Edward) and the handwriting was a match.  Finally, the mystery of Uncle Ted had been solved, and I have the kindness of strangers to thank!

The internet certainly is a Genealogist’s best friend!

BBC Member Promo Shot

BBC Promotional Shot

included in a family photo album

Can You Spare A Square? Repurposed Toilet Paper Roll.

Ok, so we have all been there.  Through the years, I have learned to look before I leap.  I always check the bathroom stall before I get down to business and make sure the toilet paper roll is full. I considered myself lucky on this day.  When I walked in the stall, I noticed right away all these empty cardboard toilet paper rolls. I did not spot any TP, so I moved on to the next stall, but I couldn’t get those cardboard rolls out of my mind. These rolls are larger than average and are made from a thick cardboard.  It got me thinking, these cardboard rolls could be useful and had repurpose potential.  I took one of them home as an experiment.

I am still in the process of organizing my craft space, and  I thought it would make a perfect pen/supplies holder.  I found an old pickle jar lid that fit the circumference of the roll perfectly.


I used a hot glue gun to permanently adhere the lid to the bottom of the toilet paper roll.



I had some left over fabric from a previous project that I thought would be perfect.  I traced the jar lid on the back of the fabric with a marker and cut it out with a pair of scissors.



I applied Mod Podge to the lid with a foam craft brush, applying the fabric tracing over it.  I then applied Mod Podge to the entire outside of the roll.


I  wrapped the fabric around to roll and carefully smoothed out any wrinkles and matching up the seam.  I overlapped the fabric where the base met the cardboard.


I painted the inside with brown acrylic paint to match the fabric.  Once dry, I applied Mod Podge to the entire roll inside and out to seal it.



Now the hamster wheel in my brain is turning!  I have a feeling this will not be the last project utilizing these rolls!

Stay tuned!

Mini Terracotta Christmas Tree Decorations

I am always on the lookout for great kid’s craft ideas. Tis the season with the holidays around to corner, to take a break from the hustle and bustle and sit down with the kids for quality time. A great blog I follow, Easy Crafts For Children, posted a wonderful and unique christmas craft I think you will all love! Be sure and stop by to say hello to Izabel from the UK!

I am “Thankful” For My Readers: Decoupage Wooden Tray Giveaway!

The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to reflect on the many blessings a person has in their life. Many times the stresses of everyday life cloud our thinking and distract us from what really matters. I am so deeply blessed to have connected with so many wonderful people in my life past and present. This includes all those who have taken the time out of their day to stop by  “On The Upcycle” to read, comment and share ideas with me. It has been a little over 6 months since I started my blog and the response has been overwhelming.  A special “thank you” to those in the Word Press community whom helped lend a helping hand to yours truly along the way!

I thought to myself, that this would be a great time to show a small token of appreciation to my readers who have inspired me to keep going even after feeling discouraged. What better way to show it than a Thanksgiving day drawing and giveaway?!

Stay Calm and Craft- A Simple Wooden Tray Decoupage


Win The Decorative Victorian Inspired Wooden Tray Decoupage Pictured Above:

All you have to do to enter the drawing is “Like” On The Upcycle on Facebook, and comment on this post.  I would love to hear what you are thankful for in life or if you have a favorite “On The Upcycle” project what is it and what do you like about it?  I will draw one winner on Thanksgiving day and announce the winner on my blog.  I ask that the winner contact me with their address, and I will happily mail your prize. Thanks again to all my readers and  Good Luck!


Character Fabric Fun: Star Wars Candle Made With Mod Podge

Recently, I posted a kids chair project dedicated to the eternal kid in me.  A part of me that lives on despite my quickly advancing age. The chair was based on a favorite movie of my husband and I, The George Lucas Sci Fi classic Star Wars.  I always wanted to make an item dedicated to the classic movie, but I had no idea of what direction to go in. The thrift store circuit is hit or miss and lately I have been off the mark.  To pass the time, I have been browsing around a Joann Fabric store during my lunch break.  I tend to stay away because buying fabric in such a setting can get expensive. I like to keep project costs at the very minimum and recycle as much as I can.  Even when I chose only to browse I was often inspired by all of the fabric colors and creative possibilities.  All the choice and accessibility can be hard to resist!

It was to my amazement one day that I stumbled upon character fabric.  They have everything from Hello Kitty, Marvel, Family Guy, just to name a few, and best of all they had three different styles dedicated to Star Wars!  The fabric was a bit pricey ($14.99 a yard), but as luck would have it,  I was able purchase a large”scrap” piece for just under five dollars! I finally had my idea and “Star Wars Kid’s Chair” was born.

Star Wars Fabric Decoupage Kids Chair

What to do with the extra fabric?  I actually have quite a bit of it left, and I decided to use a smaller piece and make my hubby a Star Wars candle. Then it hit me!  With the holiday’s quickly approaching,  character candles made with fabric make fun gifts.  The best part about the candle is when lit it illuminates the characters and they glow, once again fun for the kid in all of us.

I purchased a few glass pillar candles from the dollar store and applied Mod Podge to the outside glass.  I trimmed a piece of fabric large enough to wrap the candle, but with minimal over lap. Any seams or overlapping of fabric will be visible once the candle is lit. I applied the fabric to the glass and applied a layer of Mod Podge over it to seal it onto the glass.  Allow to dry and it is ready to light!  Once the candle is used up, just remove any excess wax and drop a tea light in to illuminate it.

Star Wars Mod Podge candle chracter fabric

If  Star Wars isn’t your thing, no need to worry because with all the character fabric out there, you can make any novelty candle you like! May the force be with you….