I am “Thankful” For My Readers: Decoupage Wooden Tray Giveaway: WINNER!

I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving day with their family and friends.


Thanksgiving “On The Upcycle” Style

Now that the hubby, daughter and I are recovered from eating all the great food we were very blessed to have on our table yesterday, I wanted to take the time once again to thank you all for your continued readership.  This year to celebrate our readers, “On The Upcycle” is  giving away a Victorian art inspired wooden decoupage tray to one lucky reader who commented and liked “On The Upcycle on facebook” That winner is:


Patricia from DanielaJoe’s blog Congratulations!  Please e-mail me your full name and address to ontheupcycle@gmail.com and I will ship your prize out to you!

Thanks to all of those who entered the giveaway:


Being Zhenya

Pillows A-La Mode

Roof Top Creations

Please be sure and stop by these amazing blogs.  You will be very “thankful” that you did!

I am “Thankful” For My Readers: Decoupage Wooden Tray Giveaway!

The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to reflect on the many blessings a person has in their life. Many times the stresses of everyday life cloud our thinking and distract us from what really matters. I am so deeply blessed to have connected with so many wonderful people in my life past and present. This includes all those who have taken the time out of their day to stop by  “On The Upcycle” to read, comment and share ideas with me. It has been a little over 6 months since I started my blog and the response has been overwhelming.  A special “thank you” to those in the Word Press community whom helped lend a helping hand to yours truly along the way!

I thought to myself, that this would be a great time to show a small token of appreciation to my readers who have inspired me to keep going even after feeling discouraged. What better way to show it than a Thanksgiving day drawing and giveaway?!

Stay Calm and Craft- A Simple Wooden Tray Decoupage


Win The Decorative Victorian Inspired Wooden Tray Decoupage Pictured Above:

All you have to do to enter the drawing is “Like” On The Upcycle on Facebook, and comment on this post.  I would love to hear what you are thankful for in life or if you have a favorite “On The Upcycle” project what is it and what do you like about it?  I will draw one winner on Thanksgiving day and announce the winner on my blog.  I ask that the winner contact me with their address, and I will happily mail your prize. Thanks again to all my readers and  Good Luck!


A Gift For Mom: Decoupage Sports Team Hand Painted Wooden Tray

My Mom is a big New York Yankees fan and I wanted to make her something special for her birthday.  I was in Goodwill this past week and came across an unfinished wooden craft tray.  Someone had started to paint the tray, and I could see a pencil outline of a man and a woman in a boat.  Obviously, it was a craft that was started with good intention and never finished.  In my haste to begin this project, I didn’t take a before picture.  There are many wooden trays available at Thrift shops and craft stores.  For an example of this, click here.

The tray was unfinished for the most part and ready to paint. I painted over the previous pencil tracing and paint with a bit of white latex primer before getting started.   I printed the Yankee logo I wanted to use on my printer.  I traced this on to the middle of the tray’s surface.  I wanted to avoid painting this portion of the tray so that the color would not bleed through the print when I was ready to decoupage it on.

I painted the tray’s inside red, and the rest in Yankee’s Royal Blue. I placed it aside and I allowed it to dry in front of a stand up fan.  I then applied Mod Podge to the unpainted area with a foam craft brush in the middle of the tray.  I very carefully applied the print logo to the tray, smoothing out any air bubbles or wrinkles with my hands.  While I allowed this to dry, I touched up any painted areas that needed it. Once completely dry, I sealed the entire piece with Mod Podge.  My Mom loved it and we had lunch yesterday to celebrate her day!  Happy Birthday Mom!




Unfinished Wooden Tray

Acrylic Paint

Mod Podge


Scissors/foam craft brush

White latex primer (optional)

Stay Calm and Craft- A Simple Wooden Tray Decoupage

Nothing helps me manage stress better than crafting and creating.  When I don’t put my nervous energy to good use, the anxiety levels within me rise.  When I am creating I feel as though my stress levels decrease and my positive energy increases, and I am a better, lesser stressed out version of myself.  When I am working on a piece of art or a craft project, it is one of the few times my mind is clear of all worry and I become completely focused.  I was feeling a bit stressed and this small and simple wooden tray decoupage craft was exactly what the Dr. ordered.

Little Wooden Tray

I picked this wooden tray up at A Goodwill store.  It was  marked with a red tag and on this day red tag items were 50% off.  This was a bargain item costing only 50 cents.  The wood on this piece was in very nice condition. I decided not to paint it, I chose a nice piece of Victorian Artwork and traced and cut the print to fit the inside of the tray.  I generously applied Mod Podge with a small foam craft brush to the inside of the tray.  I adhered the print carefully to the tray, smoothing the paper out as I applied it to the wood.  Once dry, I applied two coats of Mod Podge over top of the image to seal it. I used a paper towel and vaseline (works great on wood!) to shine and buff the wood.

Victorian Artwork Decoupage

Ah now that’s better!  Try a simple craft during a stressful day. You won’t regret it!

(and I think our Victorian model would agree!)


Printed Art

Small Wooden Tray

Mod Podge


Craft foam brush

Vaseline/cloth or paper towel

What is it? The 50 Cent Wooden Mini Pallet Makeover

Buy now ask questions later! The price was certainly right, only 50 cents, but what was this item and what was it’s original use?  It looked like a miniature pallet, but felt a little like a tray. Whatever it was didn’t really matter. I loved the fact that it was a fresh unstyled piece and I was determined to give it a new look. After searching the Goodwill shelves a bit more and leaving disappointed, I took a trip down the fabric aisle and found a nice old bed skirt with a triangular pattern that would be a perfect restyle fabric.

I gathered the materials I would need. Firstly, I traced the pallet slats onto the fabric with a black sharpie marker. I repeated this a total of 3 times once for each slat.  I then cut the fabric out with scissors.


I applied the Mod Podge to each slat with a foam brush and glued down the fabric smoothing it out gently with my hand.  I used black acrylic to paint the non decoupaged areas. Once the piece was completely dry, I applied Mod Podge over the entire tray to seal it.  Not bad for 50 cents!


